Welcome to Mabik Solar Power Academy
Mabiksolar Power Academy is the energy management and renewable energy Learning, Research and Innovation Hub of Mabik Union Limited. You can now access our accredited courses online or enrol in our workshops. seminars and events. We offer up to 30% discount to African learners, plus opportunity to pay locally without restrictions in national currency (Cedi, Naira..)
Tutors and demonstrators with practice and capacity building experience who are experts in their particular fields
Comprehensive course material for on-going reference
Cost-effectiveness of all our courses are value for money
Content can be tailored to meet your organisation's requirements
Convenience of courses can be arranged at a time and place suitable for your organisation's needs, which may save significant carbon footprint, traveling cost and man-hours
Sufficient time for
discussion which allows participants to learn from others
and broaden their outlook
Opportunities for further overseas training or facility
Online course available
1. Company Employees
Build Confidence
Demonstrate Credibility
Keep skills up-to-date
Add Value
Aid Career Progression
2. Company Employers
Ensures standards across the company are high and consistent
Promotes greater workforce engagement
Enhance staff commitment to job roles
Allow the sharing of best practice
Maximize staff potential
Improve staff morale
Provide a useful benchmark for annual appraisals
For information about our training schedule, please contact our training and capacity building unit or email cpd@mabikunion.com, training@mabikunion.com